Why Real Estate

When I look back at life after high school, I would have never thought that I was going to be a Realtor.  I began working part-time for a local bank during high school.  While I was there I met a wonderful man named Bill who I will credit for helping me find my way and ultimately my career.

Bill was a regular at the bank.  He noticed how miserable I was and constantly told me I was in the wrong profession.  One day Bill handed me his wife's card and told me she was expecting my call.

I absolutely hated that job at the bank.  In preparation for Y2K (remember that!) the bank made all these changes to ensure that their computers would not crash.  The bank manager took this as her  opportunity to embezzle quite a bit of money and it didn't take long before the FBI showed up at my home questioning me and threatening to take me to jail... ON CHRISTMAS EVE!!

I immediately made the call to Bill's wife, interviewed and the following week I became the Office Administrator for a nationwide real estate firm.  I learned the business from the inside out.  I started off answering phones and scheduling appointments and soon enough I learned what it takes to get a listing, to service clients professionally in all markets and how to negotiate offers like a pro.  Listings weren't on the Internet yet so I watched agents hustle on a daily basis - going door to door, sending letters and making daily phone calls to build their contact base.  It didn't take long for me to realize that I love real estate.  I love meeting new people, I love making my own schedule and I love seeing the inside of houses and how they are decorated; upgraded and painted.

Several years ago I transferred my license from Pennsylvania to Delaware and I am currently a Realtor with Joe Maggio Realty in Rehoboth Beach, assisting those looking to Buy and Sell houses in Kent and Sussex Counties.

Whether looking to Buy, Sell or Invest

Holly DiMemmo, Realtor
Joe Maggio Realty
C: 302-930-8800
O: 302-226-3770

Like On Facebook @buyandselldelaware


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