Cleaning with Dawn

I am one of those people who believes that store brands are ok but there are some things you should always buy name brand.  

Dawn Soap is one of them.  

My husband once stepped on the newly paved driveway and walked it onto our ivory carpets.  I wish I had taken pictures of the footprints he had left as he walked from our doorway to our kitchen before realizing why his feet were sticking.  My thought was that if Dawn would get oil off of wildlife then it should get tar off of carpets.  It took some scrubbing but those carpets came out good as new!!

Below are some more uses for one of my favorite brands...


Mix together 1/2 cup Dawn soap, 1/2 gallon of warm water.  Stir gently. Remove Foam.  Blow

Poison Ivy

The itch caused by Poison ivy is actually from the oil of the Poison Ivy plant.  Washing the area with Dawn helps dry up the oil and keep the itch from spreading

Pest-Free Pets

Use Dawn dish soap to bathe the dogs. It kills fleas on contact.  It is recommended that you don't use this remedy more than twice a week as it can really dry out a dog's skin.  A mixture of Dawn and water can be mixed in a spray bottle and sprayed on your dog, furniture and carpets daily.

De-Grease Your Tools

Soak your dirty tools in Dawn soap before you put them away to remove the oil and grime. This has also been known to prevent rust from forming on the tools.

Pre-Treat Oily Stains on Clothes

For oil-based stains such as lipstick, grease, butter, motor oil, cooking oil, and some pen inks, apply a small drop of Dawn directly to the stain and use a small scrub brush (or old toothbrush) to remove the stain.  Launder as usual.

Ice Pack

Partially fill a strong zip-type sandwich bag with Dawn.  Close and freeze the bag.  The soap stays cold much longer and can be re-frozen.

Repel Ants

Spray counter-tops, cupboards and any other area where you see ants with a solution of Dawn and water. Wipe dry. 

Sparkling Windows

Try this recipe from Merry Maids: mix 3 drops Dawn dish soap in 1 gallon of water and fill a spray bottle with the solution. Spray and wipe as you would with any window cleaner.

Cleaning the Kiddie Pool

Dump the water and then scrub the pool with Dawn.  This will clean the pool without ruining the plastic.

Whether looking to Buy, Sell or Invest

Holly DiMemmo, Realtor
Joe Maggio Realty
C: 302-930-8800
O: 302-226-3770

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